Updated to only show wood we sell

ALMOND Sweet & SmokyBeef, Pork, Poultry, Sausage
CHERRY Sweet Fruity Smoky Flavor - Turns Meat Golden! Beef, Pork, Poultry, Wild Game
HICKORY Strong, Smoky Bacon-Like FlavorSmoking All Meats
MESQUITE Rich, earthly flavor, known for its great grilling and smoking characteristics adding a distinct aroma and taste. This hardwood burns slow and a bit smoky, making it best suited for cooking aspects rather than fireplace uses, very popular with those particular grilling steak houses.Beef, Fish, Chicken, Wild Game
OLIVE Italy's favorite cooking wood. A very hardwood, that will burn hot with little smoke and ash. Perfect for pizza ovens and grills with a nice hot flame. Has been compared to Pecan and Oak with its burning qualities. It is also excellent firewood for your indoor fireplace or outside fire pit. Pizza Ovens, Lamb, Pork, Beef
PECAN Flavor -The Best of the Best! Your premium wood choice for all your firewood needs. Perfect for cooking, bbq grills, smoking, and fireplaces due to high heat and little smoke characteristics. Pecan has a nice aroma and adds great taste and flavor to whatever you plan on grilling. Pecan is our number one choice for quality chefs and backyard pros satisfying all your cooking needs.Briskets, Steaks, Chops, Fish
OAK Medium to strong smoky flavor. Known for its long, slow-burning traits, oak is considered the premium firewood for firepits and cooking grills and ovens. Provides a great bed of coals, less smoke, and little clean-up.Beef, Fish, Poultry

Original from Sharpe's

ALDER Delicate, Sweet Mild Flavor Salmon, Swordfish, Poultry
ALMOND Sweet & SmokyBeef, Pork, Poultry, Sausage
APPLESlightly Sweet & FruityBeef, Pork, Poultry, Sausage
AVOCADO Medium FlavorBeef, Pork, Poultry
CHERRY Sweet Fruity Smoky Flavor - Turns Meat Golden! Beef, Pork, Poultry, Wild Game
CITRUS Mild, Smoky Light Sweet FlavorBeef, Fish, Poultry
GRAPE Bums Hot & Smoky - Outstanding! Lamb, Seafood, Beef
HICKORY Strong, Smoky Bacon-Like FlavorSmoking All Meats
MAPLE Mellow Sweet Aroma - Superb! Pork, Poultry, Wild Game
MESQUITE Rich, Earthly FlavorBeef, Fish, Chicken, Wild Game
OLIVE Italy: Favorite Cooking Wood Slightly Pizza Ovens, Lamb, Pork, Beef
PEACH Sweet, Woodsy Flavor Medium Fruity Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Fish
PECAN POST Flavor -The Best of the Best!Briskets, Steaks, Chops, Fish
OAK RED Part of White Oak Family - from Oklahoma or Texas Beef, Fish, Poultry
OAK WHITE Secret Ingredient for Santa Maria Style BBQ Tri Tips, Beef
OAK Medium to Strong Smoky FlavorBeef, Fish, Poultry
WALNUTStrong Smoky FlavorBeef, Wild Game

Firewood Racks – Keeps your firewood neat, clean, dry and off the ground

1/8 Cord – $125.00 +Tax
1/4 Cord – $150.00 +Tax
1/2 Cord – $225.00 +Tax
1 Cord – $475.00 +Tax